Region Selection


NetsysAI Cloud Gateway is hosted in the following regions:

U S Region 

Europe Region and

ASIA Default Region

By default, NetsysAI agent connects to the NetsysAI Cloud Gateway located in the Asia region.


Region Selection Details

  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Different regions have different laws and regulations governing online services. To comply with local legislation, companies may restrict access to users from specific regions. For example, privacy laws, data protection regulations, or content restrictions may vary from region to region 


  • Restricted Access: Some applications may need to restrict access to specific regions for security reasons or due to licensing agreements. Region-specific logins help control and monitor access based on geographical locations. 


  • Localized Features: Certain features or services may only be available or applicable in specific regions. By implementing region-specific logins, you can enable or disable features based on the user's location. 


  • Jurisdictional Routing for Network Efficiency: Authentication based on region enables platforms to employ advanced network routing algorithms, directing user traffic to servers strategically positioned within the user's region. This ensures efficient data routing, reduces network congestion, and enhances overall network performance. 


  • Dynamic User Interface Localization: Region logins facilitate the dynamic localization of the user interface. This involves presenting content in the user's preferred language, adhering to regional design conventions, and tailoring the overall interface to align with technical and cultural expectations specific to the user's geographic location. 


  • IP Geolocation for Security Measures: Employing IP geolocation during logins enables platforms to implement robust security measures. By scrutinizing the origin of login attempts, platforms can assess the validity of the user's location, detect anomalies, and trigger additional security protocols to prevent unauthorized access or potential security threats. 


  • Cryptographic Localization for Data Protection: Logging in from your region involves the use of cryptographic measures aligned with regional data protection laws. Platforms may implement region-specific encryption standards to secure user data during transmission and storage, adhering to the cryptographic protocols mandated by local privacy regulations. 


  • Dynamic Terms of Service Generation: Region-specific logins are integral to the generation of dynamic terms of service and legal documentation. Automated systems can dynamically generate and present terms of service, privacy policies, and user agreements tailored to the legal and regulatory requirements of the user's specific geographic location. 


  • Server Proximity: For applications that heavily rely on server resources, having users log in to region-specific servers can optimize network performance and reduce latency by directing users to servers closer to their geographical location.